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PhDr. Jarmila Petrlíková, Ph.D.


     E-mail: jpetrlik@kan.zcu.cz
     Room: VC 330 (Veleslavínova 42, Plzeň)
     Phone: 37763 6112



Jarmila Petrlíková studied English and Czech (Mgr.) and  English linguistics ( PhDr., Ph.D.) at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University, Praha. Since 1995 she has been lecturing at the Department of English Pedagogical Faculty of the University of West Bohemia. She inquires into the grammar of Present-day English. Since 2015 she has cooperated with CERMAT and the educational agency Descartes. Her articles on grammatical issues (syntactic as well as morphological) have been published in various journals of linguistics, e.g. Linguistica Pragensia,  Cizí jazyky, Novitas-ROYAL, and presented at international linguistic conferences in the Czech Republic.

Academic books

  • Collected Lectures on Historical Development of English  (2009)   
  • The Status of the Gerund in the System of Modern English Syntax with respect to its Condensing Function (2006) 

Selected recent articles

- 2017. Sponové predikace v angličtině a češtině in Cizí jazyky, 20 – 32, 2016/17, roč. 60, č. 5

- 2013. Dependent Verbless Clause – Notes on its Structure, Function and Use in Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language), 55 – 63, Volume 7, Issue 1, e-ISSN 1307 – 4733.

- 2009. Looking for features of coherence within a complex noun phrase in literary discourse in Exploring Cohesion and Coherence in English Discourse, Third Brno Conference on Lingustic Studies in English, 93 – 100, Brno: Masaryk University

- 2008. The competition in Present and Perfect Gerund, in Plurality and  Diversity in English studies, 28 – 36, Praha: Univerzita Karlova
