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Brad Vice, Ph.D.


      E-mail: vice@kan.zcu.cz
      Room: VC 330 (Veleslavínova 42, Plzeň)
      Phone: 37763 6107


Brad Vice was educated at the University of Alabama, BA, The University of Tennessee, MA, and the University of Cincinnati, Ph.D. before he moved to the Czech Republic in 2007. He has published a collection of short fiction The Bear Bryant Funeral Train (2007) and his stories and articles have appeared in many American and Czech literary journals including The Atlantic Monthly, The Southern Review, New Stories from the South, Souvislosti, and The Moravian Journal of Literature and Film. In addition to his duties at the University of West Bohemia, he also teaches creative writing, editing and literature, and other such classes at The International ARTS Campus Prague. He is also a member of the Czech and Slovak Association for American Studies.
